Calling all parents and caregivers!

Looking for healthy snack ideas for your little ones? Well, you've come to the right place!

Fantastic Fruit Kabobs

It’s time to add some colour to your child’s day with these juicy fruit kabobs! Your kids will love creating their own fun arrangements and patterns using their favourite fruits.

What you will need:
  • Variety of fresh fruits (read below for some examples)
  • Wooden skewer sticks

The great thing about this healthy snack is that you can use just about any fruit you have lying around, even thawed out frozen fruits. Some tasty examples include strawberries, grapes, pineapple, apple, pear, watermelon, cantaloupe, oranges, kiwi, honeydew melon and banana to name a few! You can save money by buying fruit in season.

Start by cutting up fruit into cubes or slices and placing them into bowls. Provide your child with a wooden skewer stick and let them create their own fruity kabob. Show them how to make fun patterns using different coloured fruits.

Nutrition facts on the snack:

These vitamin-packed kabobs are loaded with antioxidants that will help keep your kids healthy. You can find antioxidants in many vegetables and fruits. They are important to include in your child’s diet to help prevent sickness (1). Fruits also contain fibre that helps with your child’s digestion. 

Tip: Turn the fruit into fun shapes by using cookie cutters! Who knew pineapples could make such beautiful flowers?

1. Dietitians of Canada:

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Megan said...

these look so delicious!

Anonymous said...

This is a "sweet" ;) idea, and kids love playing with their food!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! Kids love playing with their food and also love eating their creations. You can also make a fun, healthy dip to go along with it, such as taking some vanilla yogurt, adding some honey and a little bit of cinnamon.

Jessica Steele said...

I love the idea of making foods fun for children and this fruit kabob idea sounds like it will be fun and allow children to express their creativity.

Jenna said...

Great idea for a healthy dip Kimberly! That would definitely make it more fun :) Thank you for your comments I appreciate your feedback!